Life Lessons (part 2)

January 12, 2012 at 11:22 pm | Posted in Grief, life lessons, silver lining, twins | 14 Comments
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“Today is the best day ever,” is a phrase the twins proclaim almost every day.  This week I asked what exactly makes it the best day ever. 

Day 1, we were in the carpool line and the teacher opened the car door.  At that moment one of the twins proceeded to get sick in the car and on himself.  His sister somehow managed to stay clean and went to school. 

I drove home, cleaned him and the car.   Our dryer had been broken so as I debated how best to clean the dirty clothes he announced, “This is the best day ever!”  Really!?  So, I asked him, what makes this the best day ever?  He laughed as he replied, “The water you gave me after I got sick.”

Day 2, we woke up to this:

After we left the pediatrician to go pick up the prescription for pink eye, he proclaimed, “This is the best day ever!”  I was so perplexed as to why he thought waking up with your eye glued shut and spending the morning at the doctor’s office was so fantastic.  I asked again, “Really, this is the best day ever?  What makes it the best?”  He excitedly answered, “I get to go to CVS!”

Day 3, I had been up most of the night with the twins because of coughing and pink eye.  They share a room so I decided to take one into the other room and hoped that everyone would get some sleep.  The other room was originally our guest room.  Then it was Sawyer’s room.  Now most of Sawyer’s things have been removed, the guest furniture is in the room and it is still light green we had it painted before Sawyer was born. 

I woke up in the morning and both twins were in the bed.  They were talking about how Sawyer thinks this is the best day ever.  I asked, “Why does Sawyer think this is the best day ever?”  They replied, “He is so happy to share his room with us.”

There are good days and there are bad days, and this is one of them – Lawrence Welk


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  1. God bless all of your children! The twins are beautiful. You are clearly instilling in them an amazing sense of gratitude. You are an amazing mom!

  2. That is really beyond sweet. Every day I’m going to ask myself – why is this the best day ever? There is always an answer. xo

  3. Thank goodness for the innocence and pure love that children bring into this world. I love that they can see the beauty and goodness in even the smallest things. Blessings!

  4. They are THE BEST!!!

  5. Wow. That is beautiful.

  6. They are such sweet kids and I think they are right… if we take a moment to stop, we can all find something to be grateful for every single day. Tho the throwing up in the car thing would not be at the top of my list. = )

  7. You are an amazing writer! Thanks for starting my day with a smile! 🙂

  8. Okay – I’m going to the movies tonight with a good friend and you know what? This is the best day ever!! Thanks for reminding me to look for the best in everyday. From the mouths of babes, right?


  9. Awesome

  10. Wow, that’s amazing. We should all follow Fletcher’s examples and find the good in everything (well, maybe not puking and CVS!) I love how special it was for them to share Sawyer’s room. They are beautiful kiddos.

  11. I’m so glad your twins have this relationship with Sawyer. It seems like a really special bond that goes beyond what we think of as the normal bounds for sibling friendship… Wow. And what a trouper your little boytwin is!

  12. I absolutely love the positive attitude. Thanks for reminding me about what truly makes things the best…ever. Give Fletcher a thumbs up from me :).

  13. i forgot to say… Fletcher is right about a lot of things! Water after being sick does taste pretty fantastic.

  14. Indeed–this is the best day ever! And some of the best kids ever! Love ’em!

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